Ursa Schoepper

State examination in natural sciences with subsequent teaching examination.

In addition the start of a new university education in cultural management with a university degree. The degree in cultural management included the focus on fine arts and new media under Prof. Dr. Eckart Pankoke, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Krempel and Prof. Dr. Michael Bockemühl.

As a cultural manager responsible for the conception and realization of various projects in the field of cultural education systems_ CONCEPTION/ REALIZATION.

Awarded a media prize in North Rhine-Westphalia for „the Museum of Absent Images“, a conception and implementation as a social network in 2001

Since 2003 experimental artist in the field of experimental fine art photography, honored with many national and international awards.

Ursa Schoepper lives and works in the Rhineland near Bonn.

Nothing is as it seems at first; everything is in process and thus in change.

A digital photography is a light image and a data image. As a result, it is material of different systems. It is a preliminary image, a foil of pictorial perception. A mirror is held up to our perception. This always means our perception is in process.

In order to gain new perspectives, it sometimes helps to destroy familiar ways of seeing in the figurative sense, to think visually in processes, not in states. For me as an artist this means, for example, that I am destroying a photographic image by transformation, that I have previously taken. In other words, through a new algorithmic ordering structure, I arrive at a new seeing and visual order.

My photographic artworks represents the inherent not yet. Photographic material seen as a process matter. According to Ernst Bloch matter is always matter in process, and the urge to forward a not-yet carry within themselves. A new and innovative technology, such as the digital image capture and image transformation allows, as a deliberate offensive action the creative process. It is no longer primarily a technical feature, but generative instance.

We see in the result as experimental photographic art something that we could not perceive in this order before. It is something that was already possibly included in digital photography. Photography thus becomes shapeable matter. An algorithmic ordering system that underlies digital photography as a grammar leaves a new constructive substantive order through transformation.

Creatively following an artistic idea. I am developing autonomous photographic fine art works that exist as a virtual reality in a realistic reality. A photographic image is generated through algorithmic grammar into an autonomous work of fine art photography. It is a transformation of real objects into abstract objects, the transformation of the concrete into an abstract art work, an abstract autonomous photographic artwork, in the best sense a visual disturbance, a shift, an unmasking and release of past visions and ways of seeing and viewing. The artistic work can also be called conceptual work with photographic material. As a phantom of light and a digital structure, photography becomes the carrier of a visual vision. Light image simultaneously data image form the design of another possibility.


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